Thursday, September 25, 2008

Megahertz wars. Err... what wars?

It occured to me today, that some six, seven years ago big part of computer marketing was the speed of processor, expressed in MHz. It used to be a really big thing how fast your processor is. Now, this is gone.

I started to wonder why and here are some thoughts:
1. Processor speeds ventured into gigahertz territory, and maybe for some unknown reason, gigahertz doesn't sound so cool as it's mega brethren.
2. "Apple" finally succeeded in convincing general public, that processor speeds aren't that important. That was time when Macs were still running PowerPC processors, which were slower than their "Intel" counterparts. Irony is, that for some time now "Apple" is using "Intel" processors as well.
3. Or, most likely, computers have very much infiltrated the life of mainstream public. Fancy terms like "megahertz" doesn't mean anything to them and are difficult to remember. There are more important things like design, brand or color.

I suspect this should happen with any advanced technology. First it's marketed through technological advancement, but any tech advance "commodizes" over time and in the end it's always down to what color the stuff is.


Anonymous said...

Yep, that was the case.
"For Sale: Brand new computer with Intel Pentium 200MHz! "
Bought it myself back then ;)

Other phases/influences that popped into my mind.

1. Processor (CPU) industry.
In computer hardware component market most of the sales are made via OEM deals. Only computer enthusiasts will go and buy a separate memory or CPU.
Most people buy computers.

CPU could be looked as the central part of personal computer. But it wouldn't work without other components of course.
Over time personal computers have had more and more stuff built into to them - sound, cameras, CD/DVD drives,movie playback capability etc.
Which diminishes the value of CPU as selling point.

Around 1999-2001 AMD managed to gain substantial share in CPU market which was Intel dominated before.
At this point AMD's processors had more computing power than their Intel counterparts, but run at slower clock-speeds due to their internal architecture.

So AMD started using index of a sort to mark their products.
For example "AMD Athlon XP 2500+" which essentially indicated that this processor is equivalent to Intel processor running at 2500 MHz.

Nowadays clock-speeds are even less relevant since integrating multiple processor cores on one chip - they run at slower speeds than single core analog would but overall computing power is greater. So now its about how many cores you have ;)

2. Laptop's become widespread - usually you cant find latest/fastest processors in laptops because they are usually power-hungry and generate a lot of heat- which in end would make bulky laptop with lousy battery life and noisy cooling fans. Which of course aren't things you want on your mobile computer. And you care more about the features that are built in than CPU speed.

3. Apple
There certainly was an influence. Im just not sure how big impact they made. After all even today Apple is a small company in personal computer market compared to the big players like Dell or HP.
But from purely marketing side they sure have mad an impact.

Apple used same logic that AMD later did - empasized that Motorola PowerPC processors had more computing power than Intel counterparts.

And the concept of one device that offers solutions vs. complex hard- and software combinations diminished the role of CPU, too.

4. Mhz vs GHz.
Giga is even more cooler than Mega ;)
Reasons not using it are elsewhere i think.

5. Generally this is a trend with every innovative product.
From product/technology life-cycle point: early adopters value the technical aspects, while mass market usually doesn't care how it works, rather only what it does.

Look at the digital cameras for example - MPixel is THE most important parameter at the moment..
Although essential, its not the only and absolute measure of a decent digital camera.

renefischer said...

Mh yeah, and for most people using digital cameras and their purposes, 4 or 5 Megapixel are way enough. Not much point for example for my dad to go buy an 8 Megapixel cam, but of course he still does it (maybe he wants to make a huge poster some day).

As the the MHz and GHz, I think one simple reason for the issue to lose importance is (aside from the deeper stuff rein says) that once your computer is "fast enough", you just don't really pay much attention to that anymore. At least in my case, this Mhz/Ghz topic was always very important because it gave me a hint on how much waiting (and frustration as well as anger) time I had to expect from a new computer. Since we're running on something around 1,8 Ghz or 2 Ghz processors on mobile computers, I'm reasonably fine, and my waiting time has entered acceptable parameters.

Very interesting stuff, Rein. Must say, didn't know much about the history and background of these little buggers.

Edgars Makens said...

I would just like to add to Reins' 5th point: not only to what it does, but probably how it looks as well.

And you're both right on the money about the megapixel case.

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