Friday, October 31, 2008

Idea #3: glue

Some people have this tendency of getting high by sniffing glue (they're not very high on the social ladder thou). So why not make a glue with some nice smell? Like lemon or peppermint.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Idea #2: heating

I've had this thought for a while, but now two things made me remember it. First, central heating in my appartment was switched on. And second: i went to a bar in London on a Thursday night.

Thing is, if you think about it, heating the whole room you're in (that means air in it, floor, walls, ceiling, furniture etc.) seems like a horrible waste of energy. In the end those inanimate objects don't feel the discomfort of being cold. So couple of days ago, while in London, we went to a bar, which had little terrace outside and we sat there (inside was all full). It was around +10°, and a little bit wet. To my surprise, after couple of seconds i felt a really nice wave of heat, but no visible source... And then i looked up.

The idea is basically this: to have an infrared lamp in the room (or lamps, depending on the size), which is able to track your motion. This lamp "follows" you around wherever you are. And since you can focus the infrared "light", you heat only the exact spot you're currently situated. Maybe there are some hidden physics issues, but it seems that you should be able to save a lot of energy.

And your drink stays cold for longer!

Walking issue

Spending couple of days in London this week i noticed a trend. Despite the fact that cars in UK drive on the wrong side, people, by and large, still tend to walk on the right side of sidewalk. It was especially noticable on long stretches without any possibility to turn, like "Millenium" bridge (but this one doesn't really serve as a proof since it's touristy area), but also on Oxford street and other busy sidewalks.
I wonder if it's something inherent to people, or maybe there's some very easy explanation, like the fact that most people carry their bag on right shoulder, and walking on the right keeps the bag from hitting those, who're walking in the opposite direction.

Idea #1: photocamera

When i was in Italy this summer, i didn't have any photocamera with me. On one hand it felt great: you're not obliged to spend time taking pictures, instead you can simply feel the athmosphere, enjoy the place/time/people. On the other hand - it would be nice to bring some pictures home. 

So i had the idea of making a new type of photocamera. Camera which DOES NOT require you to push the button (even monkeys can do that). Basically it would be small device, hanging in strap from your neck. When you switch it on, the device would take the pictures at random moments, maybe even without you knowing it. That way you would have something to bring home and also a suprise moment later of what is actually caught on (digital) film.

The operation of the camera would be extremely simple. It would have only one control button - one with which you set the number of pictures per hour.

Now i have to find the producer.

Thursday, October 09, 2008


All marketing or business gurus will tell you how important it is to spot a trend before it actually happens. Good for business and for development too. So here's one. 

Music industry is going through massive changes. It can no longer support itself through sales of media (be it cassette, vinyl or CD (or suing people)). So the biggest "revenue-maker" for the industry and bands in the future will be gigs. Which means that the total amount of concerts will increase. It's already happening, this summer in Latvia was a clue to that, very busy with different artists coming to play here.
So if i have to think, how to make money out of that, one obvious direction is to buy or build venues to hold those gigs. But bugger me if i know what to do with that piece of information...

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


There is an article about porn in... "Financial Times". The issue is, that due to websites, which mimic YouTube in interface, and sometimes in name too, but has adult content, porn industry is suffering massive loss of revenue. So some of the biggest players are starting to sue those sites (like "Viacom" sued "YouTube"). 

What is suprising for me, is that porn industry was always on good terms with tech advance, be it VHS, DVD or initial broadband expansion, always being at the forefront of tech innovation. But now they've started to use backwards tactics a la RIAA or MPAA. It's a lost battle.