Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I read somewhere that practicing crafts brings fullfilment to one's life. Right now, just after i lacquered the wood planks for our shelf, i may agree to that (or maybe it's breathing in the lacquer fumes?).

Thinking further about it, if crafts bring fullfilment, Latvia should be one happy nation, judging by the number of DIY stores around. But instead, it's one of the most depressive in EU. Maybe we're doing something wrong?

1 comment:

renefischer said...

Maybe only certain crafts work?

Or maybe people aren't alienated from crafts enough yet around here. Maybe crafts bring happiness only to those who spent a decade or two sitting in Starbucks and who visit the countryside once a year when some relative dies. Maybe crafts are too common here to be the distraction and out-of-the-box action that actually brings happiness.

Lacquering sure did it for me, too, though. Maybe we just need more crafts with fumes.