Monday, June 08, 2009

20/80 in logo design

I'm just about to start designing a new logo for our client and partner. I have a brief in my head, and i have couple of ideas already starting to spin in brain. And i realise that 80% of the time i'll spend not on designing the logo itself, but by making various applications for it, showing the usage, that will sell the logo to the client. 

Reasons for that are obvious, people needs arguments for this or that version (therefore different applications), and logo itself is usually just a piece of type and maybe a colored blob. But here's an idea. What if the whole design process can be seen in the blog? Like every sketch, every design i make, is there to see and to comment on? Would the end result be bulletproof from argumentation point of view or total piece of poo? Not sure what the client would think about it...

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