Tuesday, October 07, 2008


There is an article about porn in... "Financial Times". The issue is, that due to websites, which mimic YouTube in interface, and sometimes in name too, but has adult content, porn industry is suffering massive loss of revenue. So some of the biggest players are starting to sue those sites (like "Viacom" sued "YouTube"). 

What is suprising for me, is that porn industry was always on good terms with tech advance, be it VHS, DVD or initial broadband expansion, always being at the forefront of tech innovation. But now they've started to use backwards tactics a la RIAA or MPAA. It's a lost battle.


Anonymous said...

Interesting indeed. One would guess that porn industry would among the first to adapt new business models in web.
And yeah, lost battle it is.

Anonymous said...

drawing an oblique parallel with your idea on building large venues for concerts, i would envision the pr0n guys booking the fcuk out of them for public shooting sessions, several puns intended.

pan dooorin