Thursday, August 21, 2008

A man with a vision

I was reading an article about Shai Agassi's vision of getting rid of oil in the transportation industry, mainly through clever ideas and software, rather than breakthroughs in technology, but then another quote caught my eye. It's from Shimon Peres, president of Israel:

Israel, you know, is too small of a country to become a world market and too small a country to become a great world producer, but we have enough scientists per square kilometer to become a world laboratory. And smallness has its own advantages; when you are small you can be really daring, you can be a pilot plant.

An excellent realization of the objective situation, and a vision and ambition to exploit ones own strength. Something we're really missing here in Latvia, when somebody talks about how small the country is. You've got to realize: "small" can be an advantage. And education, btw, is always an advantage.