So i had the idea of making a new type of photocamera. Camera which DOES NOT require you to push the button (even monkeys can do that). Basically it would be small device, hanging in strap from your neck. When you switch it on, the device would take the pictures at random moments, maybe even without you knowing it. That way you would have something to bring home and also a suprise moment later of what is actually caught on (digital) film.
The operation of the camera would be extremely simple. It would have only one control button - one with which you set the number of pictures per hour.
Now i have to find the producer.
Nice idea. I could make it with Arduino.
Looks fancy. Never heard about it before. Is it possible?
Nav tur problēmu nekādu. Jādabon tikai fotokamera un Arduino + kādi vadiņi, lodalva. Tur jau tikai jāpieliek vadiņi un jāiedod signāls fotoaparāta slēdžiem attiecīgajiem, attiecīgos brīžos. Vajag tikai atrast tam laiku. Interesantāk būtu vienkārša random vietā izmantot kaut kādas likumsakarības, sensoru datus, balss atpazīšanu - zema balss, augsta balss (vīrietis vai sieviete), piemēram, lai ieslēdzas kad konkrētais runā.
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